Quèsaco ? Un moment, je consulte mes notes. The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12961147895)By Fæ   | L:1185 px H:2056 px 628247 kb
| titre the quarterly journal of the geological society of london.
| source https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/12961147895
| description 242 1.r0ceedings of the geological society. .maicll 24, <br>
2iid. santonian stage: the lower part with ostrea acutirostris, <br>
0. santonensis, spondylus truncatus, janira quadricostata, sjphceruutes <br>
coquandi, and radiolites fissicostata. <br>
the upper part, of fluviatile origin, with unio, cyclasy omphalia <br>
coquandi (zekeli), and 7 beds of lignite, cyrena glohosa and ferussaci, <br>
math., melanopsis rugosa, math., and m. gdllo-provincialis. <br>
plan d'aups, near sainte baume, and the environs of mar- <br>
tigues. <br>
this corresponds to the upper portion of the chalk of gosau. <br>
3rd. campanian and dordonian stages, from 400 to 500 metres, <br>
equal to from 1333 to 1666 feet, of lacustrine limestones, with cyclas <br>
gardanensis, brongniartina, and gallo-provincialis, math.., ampullaria <br>
prohoscidea, math., paludina angulata, math., lymnea longissima, <br>
math., &c., and containing 18 layers of lignites, very different from <br>
those which are worked lower down, in the santonian stage (fig. 3). it <br>
is evident that these lacustrine limestones correspond with the "upper <br>
chalk " and with my dordonian stage ; for they are covered by other <br>
lacustrine limestones, which <br>
, are referred to the level of the ^ig- '^.?section of the freshwater <br>
limestone of rilly, and there- upper cretaceous beds of fuveau. <br>
fore to the base of the eocene. <br>
thus in lower provence it is <br>
evident that a complete change <br>
must have been wrought in the <br>
nature of the waters of the <br>
cretaceous sea, which, after <br>
the conclusion of the santonian <br>
period, from being salt became <br>
brackish, and afterwards, from <br>
brackish, fresh ? a circumstance <br>
which favoured the develop- <br>
ment of a population of flu- <br>
viatile shells, entirely unknown elsewhere, and which were con- <br>
temporary with the gigantic eudistes of the charente, and those <br>
of provence, which lived in the immediate vicinity of the lake, <br>
at the bottom of which the carbonaceous deposits were pre- <br>
cipitated. <br>
the classification of these lacustrine sediments had been, until <br>
very lately, the cause of great confusion and serious errors. they <br>
had been attributed at one time to the miocene period, at another <br>
to the eocene, without a single reliable argument, or a single fossil <br>
in support of this opinion. the new method of determining their <br>
chronological order is justified, not only by their position, but also <br>
by the very important fact that in the neighbouring alps, as well as <br>
in algeria, where the upper chalk is exclusively of marine origin, we <br>
observe, above the santonian strata, ostrea vesicularis and belem- <br>
nitella mucronata^ species wanting in the corresponding strata of the <br>
bouches du rhone, which, as we have seen, having been deposited <br>
in a lake, can only contain lacustrine shells. my friend m. mathe- <br>
ron is occupied at the present time in making out a catalogue of this
| pageid 36103087
| itemid 111288
| titre id 51125
| pagenumbers page 242
| pagetypes text
| volume v.25
| pageurl https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/36103087
| date 1869
| auteur geological society of london
| names namefound:ampullaria nameconfirmed:ampullaria eolid:10718936 namebankid:241026 namefound:brongniartina namefound:cyclas nameconfirmed:cyclas eolid:13750058 namebankid:4131942 namefound:cyrena nameconfirmed:cyrena eolid:4757476 namebankid:4134596 na
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