24/03/2025 15:14:36

Voici ma liste de livres, contenant jet-li trouvés sur Google Livres

Jet Li
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Jet Li

Greenhaven Publishing LLC / 2011-12-15
98 pages

This volume explores the life and career of film and martial arts star Jet Li. The book describes Li's childhood and later career; reveals his reasons ...
Extrait : This volume explores the life and career of film and martial arts star Jet Li. The book describes Li's childhood and later career; reveals his reasons for becoming an actor; and talks about his philanthropic efforts, which were motivated at ... ...

Jet Li
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Jet Li

Edinburgh University Press / 2012-04-04
225 pages

This is the first study of Chinese stars and their transnational stardom, examining the transnational Chinese actor Jet Li, probably the best martial ...
Extrait : This is the first study of Chinese stars and their transnational stardom, examining the transnational Chinese actor Jet Li, probably the best martial arts actor alive.Jet Li's career has crossed numerous cultural and geographic boundaries, ... ...

Jet Li
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Jet Li

Edinburgh University Press / 2012-04-04
225 pages

Jet Li is arguably the best martial arts actor alive, and his career has crossed numerous cultural and geographic boundaries, from mainland China to H ...
Extrait : Presenting case studies of audiences' responses to Jet Li films and his star image, this book explores the way in which Li has evolved from a Chinese wuxia hero to a transnational kung fu star in relation to the discourses of genre, gender, ... ...

Jet Li
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Jet Li

The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc / 2001-12-15
118 pages

A biography of the Asian film star and martial arts master Jet Li, including action photographs and a listing of his films. ...
Extrait : A biography of the Asian film star and martial arts master Jet Li, including action photographs and a listing of his films. ...

Celebrity in China
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Celebrity in China

Hong Kong University Press / 2010-09-01
299 pages

Celebrity is a pervasive aspect of everyday life and a growing field of academic inquiry. This is the first book-length exploration of celebrity cultu ...
Extrait : ... Jet Li's more recent celebrity status as a transnational film star, the next section of this chapter focuses on his debut film Shaolin Temple. Star Vehicle: Shaolin Temple (1982) and Beyond Whereas Jet Li's early fame and position as ... ...

Ang Lee
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Ang Lee

Univ. Press of Mississippi / 2016-02-08
167 pages

Taiwanese born, Ang Lee (b. 1954) has produced diverse films in his award-winning body of work. Sometimes working in the West, sometimes in the East, ...
Extrait : ... Jet Li's career . And it's amazing to see thirty years later , full circle , the cultures revolving , and so Yuen Woo - Ping returns to us as the guy who did The Matrix . NN : As the film was being put together , there were reports ... ...

Google livres Google Livres
    Google Livres, ou Google Books en anglais (anciennement Google Print), est un service en ligne fourni par Google. Lancé en décembre 2004, il dispose de moyens financiers et techniques considérables, et a vu son champ d'activité s'élargir progressivement. En 2017, c'est à la fois un outil de recherche intra-texte, de consultation de livres en ligne ou sur appareil mobile, de constitution de collections personnelles, et de téléchargement d'ouvrages libres de droits. C'est aussi une librairie en ligne via la boutique Google Play, un outil permettant de trouver où emprunter un exemplaire de livre en bibliothèque, et un fournisseur d'informations complémentaires (métadonnées) sur les œuvres...
    ...Il s'agit en 2009 du plus grand corpus textuel au monde, dont l'histoire mouvementée a donné lieu à d'importantes batailles judiciaires qui ont marqué le monde de l'édition et façonné le paysage du livre numérique, en France et aux États-Unis notamment. En 2019, Google Books contient plus de 25 millions de volumes.

    Pas assez exhaustif, voici d'autres ressources pertinentes jet-li disponibles sur le portail

Les extraits de livres jet-li proposés sur Google Livres. Les infos Jet-li dans l'actualité du web en France.
Les photos jet-li collectées sur Flickr. Les références jet-li trouvées sur l'encyclopédie Wikipédia.
Les images jet-li sur Wikimédia Commons. Les vidéos jet-li populaires référencées sur Youtube.
Les derniers tweets jet-li postés sur le réseau Twitter. Les Gifs populaires jet-li trouvés sur Giphy.
Les livres jet-li populaires sur Amazon.    Sur Amazon

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